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Funny And Hilarious Nerdy Pick Up Lines, Nerdy Pick Up Lines Ever Told

  • Are you the square root of 2? because I feel irrational when I'm around youExcuse me, you just made my floppy a hard drive!
  • My vector has a really large magnitude. Would you care to normalize it?
  • If i was an enzyme, i'd be helicase so i could unzip your genes.
  • Didn't I see you on xkcd?
  • Baby, everytime i see you, my cardiovascular system gets all worked up.
  • It doesn't take a genius to see how gorgeous you are, but if it did, I would be overqualified.
  • You're so hot, you must be the cause for global warming.
  • Would you like to see the exponential growth of my natural log?
  • I wish I were your second derivative so i could fill your concavities.
  • Just being around you sets my synapses on fire.
  • It's a good thing you've got evaporative cooling, cause I'm gonna make you sweat...
  • Baby, you overclock my processor.
  • Since distance equals velocity times time, let's let velocity or time approach infinity, because I want to go all the way with you.
  • I must be the Sun and you must be Earth, cause the closer we get, the hotter you become.
  • I couldn't help but notice your from across the room. What's your favorite app?
  • What say you take the red pill and I show you how far your rabbit hole goes?
  • If my right leg is the cell wall and my left the membrane, do you want to be the cytoplasm?
  • Your name is Leslie? Look, I can spell your name on my calculator!
  • If I was an endoplasmic reticulum, how would you want me: smooth or rough?
  • I'm attracted to you so strongly, scientists will have to develop a fifth fundamental force.
  • You're like a Universal Turing Machine; you're the only one that I'll ever need.
  • That dress would look better accelerating towards the floor at 9.8 m/s/s.
  • Mind if I run a sniffer to see if your ports are open?
  • Let's convert our potential energy to kinetic energy.
  • I'm attracted to you like the Earth is attracted to the Sun - with a large force inversely proportional to the distance squared.
  • If I was an operating system, your process would have top priority.
  • Baby ill be your asymptotes so i can shape your curves…
  • You make me want to calibrate my joystick without the latest drivers...
  • Baby, if they made you in Haskell, it would infer that you were just my type.
  • I less than three you…(i < 3 you)
  • Your body has the nicest arc length I've ever seen."
  • I wish I was your derivative so I could lie tangent to your curves...
  • Excuse me ma'am, but can I get your seven significant digits?
  • How about we make like the change of base law, with you on the bottom, and me on top?
  • Maybe later we can go over to my place and titrate until you reach your end-point…
  • I'm relativistic: the faster I go, the longer I last.
  • They're not comic books, they're graphic novels.
  • I'd love to StumbleUpon you.
  • I wish I was an Ion so I could form an exothermic bond with you.
  • If I were an assembly language I'd jump to your address, shift right a bit, push it in, pop it out, load a byte into your accumulator, then jump if you're negative.
  • What say you and me merge layers?
  • In Euclidean geometry two parallel lines never touch … let's go back to my place and study some non-Euclidean geometry…
  • Hey girl, let's get together and figure out our heat of fusion.
  • Are you a Mac or PC? (Trick question; must be Linux!)
  • You fascinate me more than the fundamental theorem of calculus.
  • The way the light reflects off the angles of your head is extremely enchanting.
  • You're so hot you denature my proteins.
  • Hey baby, wanna form a zygote?
  • Nobody turns me on from a cold boot like you.
  • Baby, I'm a sorceress and when I looked at you I detected magic all over.
  • Is your DM box full? 'Cause you've been tweeting around my mind all night!
  • If I move my lips half the distance to yours… and then half again… and again… etc…. would they ever meet? no? Well in this specific case i am going to disprove your assumption.
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