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Top best racist jokes, heavy but without malice! Because you have to know how to laugh

Top  best racist jokes, heavy but without malice! Because you have to know how to laugh ... everything and nothing, without taking your head! Laughter is health and we wish you a great laugh!

1. Proverb Corsica: If you have a desire to work, sit down and wait for it to pass!

2. Why do not you laugh when you see an Arab on a scooter?
Because it may be yours!

3. What is a Swiss who speaks alone? A monologue
What do we call 2 Swiss speaking together? a dialogue
What do we call 3 Swiss speaking together? a magazine

4. A kid asks his father:
- Dad, why do not we eat a monkey?
- Well, it seems that these are our ancestors, so it does not happen.
- Ah, that's why Muslims do not eat pork!

5. What is the common point between a diamond mine and a chocolate mousse plant?
In both cases, it is the black who is whipped!

6. Two diplomats talk to each other. The Frenchman tells his Chinese colleague:
- We have a saying:
- More the merrier, the merrier.
The Chinese responds:
- How weird ... At home, we say:
- The more we are crazy, the less there is rice!
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