This is the story of an old man who, because his son can not handle it permanently, is forced to go to a retirement home.
- Do not leave me here to die slowly! said the old man to his son.
-Papa, we talked about it and talked again: You have to go to this house. I'll visit you twice a week, and you'll always be able to pick up the phone to call me.
Then the son leaves and leaves his father in his room. Of course, the first night, dad calls his son on the phone:
- You have to come get me. It's terrible; I have not seen a single nurse, the food is horrible, and I feel so lonely!
- Listen dad, it's been just two hours since I left you there! How can you get an idea of a place in such a short time? Still a few days, and really, if it's not right, we'll find another solution.
Then the old man hangs up, and finally manages to get some sleep. The next morning, a nurse comes to wake him up, puts him in his bath and makes him his toilet. To the great surprise of the old man, these caresses of the nurse give him an erection. Better yet, the nurse seeing the effect it produces on the old man encourages him by giving him a blowjob! As soon as the nurse is gone, the old man picks up his phone and says to his son:
- Son, this house is great! We eat well, I made friends, and I could not fall in a better place!
- Ah, that's good news dad, I was hoping you'd find this place nice.
Later in the afternoon, the old man is in the room where everyone watches TV, when he stumbles, falls, and loses consciousness. At this moment, another resident pops up, lowers the old man's pants and sodomizes him in a hurry. When our old man regains his senses, he pulls up his pants, goes back to his room and immediately calls his son:
"Son, come and get me, I beg you! Come immediately!
"But dad, only a few hours ago you told me the greatest good of this house, and now I have to come and get you right now?!?
- Son, you do not understand: I have an erection, maybe once a year, but I fall on the floor at least two or three times a day!