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The best jokes about old and old, old age joke, humour and retirement

The best jokes about old and old, old age joke, humour and retirement

-Why did God create the brunettes?
So that ugly men do not feel helpless.

-50 years of marriage
We recently interviewed a couple on TV who was celebrating 50 years of marriage.
After the usual questions, the husband was asked if in those fifty years of union he had sometimes thought of divorce.
He answered very loudly:
- No.
But he quickly added:
- Divorce, never, but murder, many times ...

-Jokes and black humor
She is a little old woman still very much in love with her husband.
Unfortunately, grandpa can no longer satisfy (because papi is not hard enough ...). So she decides to consult the doctor in case he could do something for grandpa.
Having been explained the situation, the doctor thinks a little and answers to grandma:
- Listen, I think I can do something for you, but beware, it's a drug without A.M.M. and you will use it without warranty. As it turns out powerful enough to use, you will just pour him 3 drops in his soup before going to sleep.
Grandma is happy to finally have enough to put grandfather in the saddle; she thanks the doctor and goes home.
Two weeks later, the doctor sees the granny and asks how the treatment worked.
Grandma starts to blush, smiles and says:
- Oh Doctor, I blame myself: I put 30 drops instead of 3 in his soup ... Now I need an antidote so we can close the coffin!
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