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An official who had decided to do some cleaning in the cupboards of his office

An official who had decided to do some cleaning in the cupboards of his office, found, hidden under a pile of dusty cardboard, which looks very much like a gold-plated oil lamp.
Finding the object to his liking, the state employee decides to take him home to expose him on his chimney. In the evening, while he is polishing the lamp, a cloud of smoke invades the room and a genius appears:
"I am the genie of the lamp", says the extraordinary being, "and I can grant you three wishes"
Astonished and delighted, the official asks immediately:
"I would like to be handsome and muscular like a male supermodel"
And immediately, genius turns him into beautiful Adonis. The official then asks:
"I want to be sent to a Polynesian island populated only by native nymphomaniacs!"
And all of a sudden, the official lands on a beach of white sand, in the middle of a lagoon, encircled by young women who throw on him eyes full of desires.
To the genius who accompanied him, the official pronounced his third wish:
"I would never have to work again!" and POUF!
The grievor finds himself sitting at his desk.
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