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A teacher tries to teach good manners to her students:

A teacher tries to teach good manners to her students:
- Michel, if you were courting a girl from a good family, very well educated, during a dinner alone and you needed to go to the bathroom, what would you say?
- Wait a second, I'm going to pee.
- That would be very rude and very rude on your part. And you, Jean, what would you say?
- I'm sorry: I have to go to the bathroom, but I'll be right back.
- It's already better, but it's unpleasant to mention the toilet during the meal. And you Toto, would you be able to use your intelligence, for once, and demonstrate good manners?
- Yes, Madam, I would say: "My dear, I beg your pardon i will be leaving for a moment. I'm going away from reaching out to an intimate friend whom I hope to introduce to you after dinner. "
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